Official time: 3h11m27s 2007(3h13m36)-improvement 2minutes
swim:38m30s 2007(41m20s)
bike:1h23m:43s 2007(1h25m38s)
run:1h06m36s 2007(1h06m48s)
what i sow is what i reap, have no complaint on the result as my training was so so only.
Swimming definitely improve as last time i swam breast style, this time i complete with free style. But having to adjust my goggle more than 10 times is really turn off during the PD swim leg. learning to sight and swim straight line really is a painful process.
Cycling only 20km distance maximum during training-struggeling during 2nd 20km in PD cycle leg
Running also never improve always 6-7mins/km pace
Really need to improve all 3legs if want to dip under 3 hours-kampate!(and lose some weight as well...)

Miss Rabbit




Miss Rabbit